The Benefits of Creativity, Mindfulness and Awe
In addition to learning a new creative skill, you will also experience awe-inspiring landscapes, like the northern lights, the Milky Way, ice caves, underwater lagoons and remarkable waterfalls. The effects of these experiences can often be profound and have a noticeable impact on health and well-being.

A recent article by Deepak Chopra and Kabir Sehgal, highlights the positive health effects of creativity, specifically in reducing the stress hormone cortisol. (Chopra & Sehgal, 2017) Science Shows How Creativity Can Reduce Stress

“Feeling awestruck can dissolve our very sense of self, bringing a host of benefits from lowering stress and boosting creativity to making us nicer people.” (Merchant, 2017)

“Mindfulness research has suggested that people who establish a mindfulness practice support their health and well-being by decreasing stress and rebalancing physical and emotional systems, and help shift their mindsets in order to see novel ways of working.” (Dane & Brummel, 2013)

“Mindfulness is about connecting with your senses, being curious, exploring the inner workings of the human mind.” (Alidina, 2015)